Every time I pray hard that don't let me fall sick before or during exam season
but seems it's like a curse and can't be avoid
my sore throat came again
It made my whole body uneasy and tired
I hate to take medicine
I refused to visit doctor
Surprising my mum do agree with me
but didn't expect that she herself become a doctor
She forced me to take those things since i insist not to see doctor
Fresh lemons
Pure honey~
Honey lemon juice~
Extract juice from lemon and add in some pure honey
It's taste just like lemon tea..
bring it to tuition and try my best to finish it
I named this as~ Special Air Barli
My mum blended those beras barli then added some unknown thingy
and some special brown sugar while boil it~
Taste really good, thumbs up!
Vitamin C~
Take 2 tablets in the morning.. afternoon and night
These made me feel like vomiting every time i swallow them~
coz the tablet is so BIG!!!
After taking all these for few days, I feel much much better
So guys, if you feel sore throat and don't wanna see doctor or take any medicine
you can ask your mommy try to prepare these "special food" for you
It may help you~
But anyway if you're really having a bad sore throat
visiting doctor is a must~^^